NRMC Foundation Year End Giving Campaign
The NRMC Foundation's Year End Giving initiative aims to secure funds for the acquisition of essential vital sign machines. The Connex Vital Signs Monitor provides the right level of monitoring at your fingertips. The monitor captures standard vitals such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and Sp02 in a single, automated solution.

Your Support is Vital
These devices play a pivotal role in enhancing operational efficiency, aiding clinical decision-making, and promptly detecting alterations in the health status of patients
You may ask, “what is an appropriate amount to give?” The answer to that is, the amount that works best for you and your family. Your gift whether $5 or $500 will make a difference and help us reach our goals. A $2500 donation covers the cost of one monitor.
“I give because I care. I care because I’ve been given to. I’ve been given to because of love, I care and I give and I love.”
Anita G. Smith
Administrative Assistant
The Courtyard of Natchitoches